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Benefits and Importance of Curry leaves

Benefits and Importance of Curry leaves

2021-12-15 17:20:44

Curry leaves are also known as sweet neem and are used in most Indian dishes. Apart from enhancing the taste of the dishes, it is also a beneficial herb. The medicinal properties of curry leaves are extremely beneficial in diseases like diabetes, urinary disorders, liver, and diarrhea. Curry leaf trees are about 4-5 meters high, fragrant and small in size. The bark of its stem is smooth and dark brown. Its flowers are white in color and fragrant. Its fruits appear purple when ripe. A fragrant oil is extracted from its seeds and leaves. The botanical name of curry leaves is Murraya koenigii.

Importance of Curry leaves in Ayurveda

Many medicinal properties of curry leaves i.e. sweet neem have been described in Ayurveda. According to which curry leaves are helpful in removing diarrhea, diabetes, weight loss, hair growth, liver diseases and keeping the heart healthy. Apart from this, use of curry leaves is also beneficial on skin diseases like fever, herpes, itching, etc.

Benefits of Curry leaves
Beneficial in weight loss-

Curry leaves contain special ingredients such as dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and Mahanimb. These elements are found to have the ability to reduce weight, lower cholesterol, and control triglyceride (a type of fat) levels. Therefore, the use of curry leaves is helpful in weight loss.

Beneficial in anemia disease-

According to experts, curry leaves have anti anemia properties which works effectively on anemia. In addition, curry leaves are a good source of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and vanadium. For this reason, it can be said that the use of curry leaves can be helpful in getting rid of anemia.

Helpful in diabetes-

Curry leaves have hypoglycemic (lowering sugar levels) properties. These properties are helpful in reducing the amount of sugar in the body. For this reason, it is said that the benefits of curry leaves in a regular diet are helpful in reducing the risk of diabetes.

Useful for liver-

Curry leaves contain elements such as tannins and carbazole alkaloids. According to experts, hepatoprotective properties are found in these elements, which increase the efficiency of the liver and is also helpful in reducing liver related problems like hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Prevention of diarrhea-

According to experts, the carbazole alkaloids found in curry leaves have an amazing ability to prevent diarrhea. Therefore, its regular intake can prove effective in getting rid of problems like diarrhea.

Beneficial for heart-

Curry leaves are a herbal medicine which is rich in vitamin C, antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. Curry leaves have long been used as an effective Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Apart from this, curry leaves also act to control cholesterol which is very important to keep the heart healthy.

Controls cholesterol-

Curry leaves have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties along with vitamin C. According to a research conducted by experts, the use of curry leaves is helpful in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol from the body.

Beneficial for the skin-

The use of curry leaves also proves to be very beneficial for the skin. It is believed that due to some elements present in its oil, it helps to remove burns and bacterial infections. For this, a paste of its leaves should be applied on the affected area.

Hair regrowth-

According to experts, the nutrients found in curry leaf oil can also play an important role for hair. Applying curry leaf oil on hair strengthens hair roots. Its regular use helps in hair growth. At the same time, the benefits of curry leaves include getting rid of the problem of greying of hair.

Effective remedy for urinary disease-

The medicinal properties of curry leaves include the treatment of urinary disease. Consumption of curry leaves is beneficial in the case of urination related diseases. For this, juice of curry leaves should be drunk.

Uses of Curry leaves
  • Curry leaves can be used to enhance the taste of vegetables, lentils, sambar, rice and a variety of dishes.
  • You can also use it by making its sauce.
  • Fry curry leaves can also be used for food garnishing.
  • Its oil can be removed and applied to the hair.
  • Curry leaf oil can be applied on the skin.
  • Juice of curry leaves can also be consumed to protect against certain conditions such as a particular disease but before using this juice, expert advice must be taken.
Side effects of Curry Leaves
  • Although no major side effects have been observed with the consumption of curry leaves, its use in excess amounts may prove to be harmful.
  • Allergic effects can also be seen in some people. In such a situation its use should be discontinued.
  • Pregnant and lactating women must consult a doctor before using it.
Where are Curry leaves found?

Curry leaves are found all over India up to a height of 900 meters and are cultivated at an altitude of 1500 meters in Sikkim.



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