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Evidence-based Reasons to Trust Ayurveda

Evidence-based Reasons to Trust Ayurveda

2021-12-14 14:51:36

The efficacy of Ayurveda and its products has always been a controversial topic. People think of it as pseudo-science and dismiss its potency. Now, all of us have seen our mothers applying turmeric if they accidentally injure themselves with a knife while working in the kitchen. Haven’t you?


That happens because turmeric has a great healing capacity to cure. If turmeric can work then, why do we not believe in other herbs used in Ayurveda?


Further we will see several evidence-based reasons that would give us a reason to question our conscience. Just because Ayurveda works on a different plane does not mean it’s completely a fuss.


What is Ayurveda

Composed of two words i.e., “Ayu” is life and “Veda” is science or knowledge, Ayurveda is the Science of life. Almost 5000 years old, originated from India, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to mental and physical health. It remains one of the oldest medical systems that are still widely used and practiced in our homes. It is the treatment of illnesses by using natural ingredients, herbs, minerals, and other natural remedies provided by nature.


Ayurveda pays attention to mental well-being as it works by balancing the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). These doshas, when in perfect harmony leads to a healthy body. A disbalance in these doshas leads to several short-term as well as long term diseases.


Unlike allopathic treatment, which works to suppress the symptoms of immediate illness, Ayurveda works on the root cause of the illness and heals the body to prevent further illnesses. This is due to the belief of Ayurveda that treats the ailments completely and not by suppressing it. It heals the body and regulates overall health. 


Text-based Evidence of Ayurveda

Our history is known to us through the medium of books. The main classics of Ayurveda i.e, The Ashtanga Hridaya of Vagbhata, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita give detailed descriptions of more than 700 herbs and 6,000 formulations. These formulations are strictly in appropriate proportions to provide relief.


These classics also offer detailed guidance about lifestyle, nutrition, and diet according to the individual constitution (body Prakriti) and by the seasons.


What are the different techniques in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda uses a wide range of treatments which includes Panchakarma (five actions), Yoga, Sound Therapy, Breathing exercises, Herbal medicine, Massage, as well as Acupuncture.


Each of these therapies is further divided into several other types. Take, for example, massage. Massage in Ayurveda is done with oils, pastes (lep), food ingredients, leaves, Kadha, medicated fumes. Each of these has a different technique and procedure of application. These are penetrated deep into the skin and provide relaxation. 


The principle of action is solely dependent upon the nutritional value of the ingredients used while massaging. The technique of massage is also an important factor.


How are Ayurvedic treatments effective in treating lifestyle diseases?

Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, and hypertension occur due to unhealthy eating habits and the routine of life. This creates a disbalance (disrupts Vata, Kapha, and Pitta). Ayurveda is the process of healing through treating the disbalances of the body. It cures diseases by resetting the body’s biological rhythms.


The medication offered for these lifestyle diseases in Ayurveda is coupled with changes in your lifestyle and practising yoga. This helps in rectifying the root cause of the problem. Ayurvedic medicines are herbal medicines extracted from natural ingredients.


Believing in home remedies but not in Ayurveda?

Not everything needs to be consumed to be effective in healing. Likewise, Ayurvedic ingredients work wonders on applying as the external application further gets into action to produce the desired results.


When we repeat OM, we feel a vibration in the body. The repetition of Om provides us with a sense of relief and serenity, helping us get rid of anxiety. Now, some of us might question how listening can take away our anxiety and stress. This happens because the sound waves of Om affect our nerves and help in relaxing the muscles of the nerves.


A Note to Conclude

We have been blinded by the west to the extent that allopathic treatment seems to be magical while treatment originated in India seems bogus to us.


Our belief is so dependent on the convenience that we would use home remedies but when it comes to believing in the origin of those remedies, we would out rightly negate it altogether.


The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
