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Importance & Benefits of Bakuchi

Importance & Benefits of Bakuchi

2022-01-04 19:03:01

The Bakuchi plant is a medicinal herb which is smaller in size. The average height of this plant is 3 to 4 feet bearing seeds that are oblong, flat and brown in color. They have a bitter taste and unpleasant odor. Bakuchi grows all over India and its botanical name is Psoraleacorylifolia.


Importance of Bakuchi (Babchi) in Ayurveda-

According to Ayurveda, Bakuchi is bitter in taste, hot in nature, balances vata and kapha, and beneficial for the heart. It proves beneficial in fever, parasitic worms, leprosy, piles, cough, swelling, jaundice and tooth worms. Babchi is antimicrobial in nature. Apart from this, it contains chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, fibrous substances- psoralen and iso cerelin due to which it has been found to be very effective in skin diseases like white spots, scabies, ringworm, acne and freckles. Due to the presence of the above elements, Babchi is also bactericidal and anthelmintic. The most effective feature of this plant is that every part (seed, fruit, flower, root and leaves) is useful due to its medicinal properties but its seeds are used to remove most of the disorders.


Benefits of Bakuchi

Beneficial for skin-

Babchi is antimicrobial in nature which is mainly used to remove skin-related problems. It is helpful in preventing psoriasis, leucoderma, skin infections, skin rashes and allergies etc.


Aids in hair nourishment-

Babchi is an excellent hair tonic. Hence, it is used in the treatment of problems like hair fall, alopecia areata, spot baldness (hair loss in certain parts of the head). Along with this, the color and quality of hair also improves with the use of Bakuchi.


Beneficial in respiratory diseases-

Bakuchi has anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in reducing inflammation and pain of the respiratory tract during infection due to which it proves to be helpful in cold, asthma, dyspnea, nephritis, bronchitis and various other respiratory diseases.


Beneficial for teeth-

Babchi is an effective medicine to treat tooth decay and other types of dental problems. The use of Bakuchi Churna or Bakuchi Essential Oil is an excellent remedy for problems like toothache, decay and pyorrhea. It helps in preventing tooth decay because the antioxidants present in babchi help in fighting the cavity.


Helpful in cancer-

Bakuchi seeds have anti-cancer properties. Apart from this, its seeds also contain elements like Bavachinin, Psoralen and Psorifolinin which helps to inhibit the growth of osteosarcoma and lung cancer cells.


Helpful in purifying the blood-

Bakuchi has natural blood purifier properties. It helps in removing impurities (toxins) from the body. Apart from this, immunity can also be boosted with the use of Babchi.


To increase sexual stamina-

According to Ayurvedic experts, Babchi is a beneficial medicine for people with weak sexual ability. It is beneficial to consume 4-8 grams of Babchi seed powder.


For the treatment of dysentery and piles-

Anti-inflammatory properties are found in the Bakuchi plant which helps in reducing the swelling on any part of the body. Taking the powder of Bakuchi provides relief in the problem of dysentery. Apart from this, taking the powder of its root with jaggery daily is also beneficial in piles.


Effective in promoting immune health-

Antioxidants and nutrients present in sufficient amounts are found in Bakuchi which helps the body's immune system to fight against many diseases. Apart from this, the oil made from its seeds acts as an antioxidant activity. It also protects the body from oxidation due to which the immunity of the body improves.


Home remedies from Bakuchi

For skin-

Bakuchi has been used for centuries to remove white spots. Taking one spoonful of Bakuchi and black sesame (equal quantity) powder everyday with cold water in the morning and applying Babchi oil on white spots in the morning and evening is beneficial.


A lump is formed at some place in the body, due to which the skin starts looking bad. Grinding the remaining seeds and tying it on that knot settles the lump.


Babchi seed oil should be used regularly in the morning and evening to cure acne, ringworm, scabies and itching.


For oral health-

Grind the root of the Bakuchi plant and mix a small amount of alum in it and use this as toothpaste every morning and evening. By doing this, the infection in the teeth gets cured. Apart from this, the worms of the teeth are destroyed.


For Cold & flu-

Taking powder of Bakuchi seeds with ginger juice thrice a day provides relief in cold and flu. By doing this, the phlegm also loosens and comes out.


Useful in Dysentery-

In dysentery, eating greens of Bakuchi leaves regularly in the morning and evening is beneficial.


Beneficial in Piles-

Make a powder by grinding equal quantities of Bakuchi, dry ginger and harad. Taking half a spoon of mixed powder with jaggery daily provides relief in piles.


Useful in elephantiasis-

Using Babchi paste or oil made from it on the part of the elephantiasis (elephant foot) is beneficial. Mixing half a teaspoon of Babchi powder in the juice of Punarvava and consuming it regularly provides great relief in this condition.


For ear problems-

Taking powder of Musli and Bakuchi daily provides benefits in the disease of deafness.


Take these precautions while using Bakuchi

  • Certain products like curd, pickle, fish etc. should be avoided in case of white spots because the consumption of these products along with Bakuchi churna is prohibited in the treatment of problems like vitiligo. For best results, Bakuchi essential oil should also be used on the affected area along with the consumption of Bakuchi.
  • Excessive consumption of Bakuchi during jaundice can cause vomiting. High doses and prolonged use of Bakuchi may lead to hyperacidity and gastritis.
  • Bakuchi should be used by breastfeeding mothers under medical supervision.


The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
