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Know the Medicinal properties, Uses and Side effects of Manjistha

Know the Medicinal properties, Uses and Side effects of Manjistha

2021-12-13 18:29:06

Manjistha is a medicinal herb that is used in Ayurveda for health, beauty and for the treatment of many diseases. Manjistha is also known by other names like Majith, Yojnavalli, Vikasa, Aruna, Raktangali etc. The vines of Manjistha are bitter, astringent and pungent in taste. Due to its bitterness, it has many health benefits. It is rich in alkali and contains other biochemical substances such as steroids, flavonoids, lignans, thermogenic, rejuvenating properties. Due to these high nutritive properties, Manjistha is used to manufacture many herbal, Ayurvedic and modern medicines.


What is Manjistha?

The root of the Majith plant is called Manjistha. Its botanical name is Rubia cordifolia L. It is also called common madder or Indian madder in English. Manjistha belongs to the family Rubiaceae, which is a species of a flowering plant. Manjistha is a multi-year vine. Its stem is thin and square in shape. Its flowers are small, green and white in colour. Its fruits are spherical and fleshy. The height of this plant is about 1 to 2 meters and it has leaves throughout the year. Manjistha is found in hilly areas but in many places, it is also cultivated so that the red pigment i.e, Manjistha can be obtained from its roots. This herb is used for the treatment of many diseases and to overcome physical problems.


Medicinal properties of Manjistha in Ayurveda

Manjistha is an Ayurvedic medicine. From its root to leaves, buds and flowers, all parts are useful. Many types of nutritious substances are found in it. In Ayurveda, Manjistha (Majith) is considered an Ayurvedic herb that cleanses the blood. It helps in purifying the blood and making the skin healthy. Also, Manjistha helps in controlling blood pressure and constriction of blood vessels. Manjistha helps in pacifying the tridoshas (Kapha, pitta vata). Apart from this, Manjistha in Ayurvedic medicine helps in fighting many types of diseases. It is helpful in removing bad cholesterol from the body, controlling diabetes. It also contains some antioxidants which protect the body from diseases like cancer. Its consumption reduces urinary infection, diarrhoea, dysentery, chronic fever, liver problems, arthritis, skin related problems, etc. It is considered a better remedy due to its bitter and pungent taste that's why it is the best medicine in Ayurveda.


Benefits of Manjistha

For diabetes-

Manjistha is a natural remedy for the treatment of diabetes because it has anti-diabetic activity, which helps in reducing blood sugar levels. Apart from this, Manjistha also lowers serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Beneficial in joint pain and arthritis-

Manjistha powder has an anti-arrhythmic effect which helps in relieving joint pain and arthritis. Manjistha reduces the symptoms of arthritis by improving blood pressure. At the same time, an element called Rubimaline is found in it, which exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial in reducing joint pain and swelling caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


For fever-

Manjistha is used in Ayurveda to treat chronic fever. It has antioxidant properties which are helpful in improving health and fighting dangerous diseases. For this, consuming Manjistha powder with lukewarm water is beneficial. It strengthens the immune system and gives relief from frequent colds and fevers. Apart from this, antiviral properties are also found in Manjistha which prevents viral infections like cough and cold.


For skin-

Manjistha extract works to make the skin glowing. Several creams are prepared using the extract of Manjistha. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from this, Manjistha is a blood purifier, therefore, it relieves various skin related disorders. It provides relief from itching, ringworm, eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation etc. Therefore, skin-related disorders are cured by applying the powder of Manjistha. Also, the skin becomes soft and glowing.


For hair-

Manjistha works effectively for hair related problems. Since Purpurin and Munjistin are present in Manjistha act as colouring agents, which are helpful in colouring the hair. Apart from this, Manjistha promotes faster hair growth and strengthens the hair roots which reduces hair fall.


For the immune system-

Consumption of Manjistha is considered good for the body's immune system because this herb is helpful in fighting infection and protects against diseases. According to the research done on it, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, phenol compounds present in Manjistha are responsible for immuno-modulation. Immuno-modulation refers to changing the response of the immune system to the body's needs. In this way, it can be said that Manjistha works to increase the immune system. For this, consuming Manjistha in the form of decoction or powder is beneficial.


For cancer-

Anti-cancer activities are found in the root of manjistha which stop cancer cells from growing. According to research done on this, the consumption of Manjistha works to get relief from stomach cancer as it contains an active compound called Mollugin, which prevents colon cancer molecules from being activated.


For Tumor-

Consumption of Manjistha also works to protect against tumours. Actually, the bicyclic hexapeptides compound present in Manjistha acts as a kind of antitumor activity. For this, take a decoction of Manjistha or its powder with lukewarm water.


Beneficial in menstrual disorders-

Manjistha is used to cure various gynaecological problems and to treat menstrual disorders in women. It provides relief in pain during periods. In the problem of excessive bleeding during menstruation, taking powder or extract of manjistha root is beneficial. By doing this the menstruation becomes regular.


For male power-

Consuming Manjistha is beneficial in premature ejaculation, lack of semen, weakness and weakness in men. If a person feels any kind of physical or internal weakness, consuming Manjistha powder with lukewarm water is beneficial. Apart from this, consuming Manjistha is very beneficial to remove female infertility. Since Manjistha contains an Ayurvedic element called Phalasarpi, therefore its use is good for those women who have recently experienced a miscarriage.


Removes the difficulty of urination-

Difficulty passing urine can be due to many reasons. In such a situation, the powder of the root of manjistha helps in this difficulty due to its diuretic properties. It allows urine to pass with proper flow. Apart from this, taking a decoction of the root of Manjistha provides benefits in all kinds of problems related to urination.


Uses of Manjistha

  • Manjistha is consumed as a decoction.
  • It is used in the form of powder.
  • Manjistha powder can be consumed by mixing it with lukewarm water.
  • Manjistha can also be sucked by placing it directly in the mouth.
  • Some people consume Manjistha powder with food.

Side effects of Manjistha

  • Excessive consumption of Manjistha should be avoided because it contains elements like warfarin and coumadin which contributes to blood thinning.
  • A Colouring agent is found in Manjistha. Therefore, the colour of urine can be orange due to its consumption.
  • If consumed in excess, it can affect tears, saliva and milk. However, these effects are temporary.
  • Excessive consumption of Manjistha can cause cancer.
  • Its excessive consumption can cause stress and constipation in the body.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should not consume Manjistha because it can harm babies.
  • A person suffering from any other problem must consult a doctor before consuming Manjistha.


The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
