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2021-12-22 10:16:18

In Ayurveda, Immunity theory is referred as ‘beej-bhumi’ theory, which means "seed and land." In this case, the body is analogous to the land, and infection or "bugs" are like seeds. According to Ayurveda, our IMMUNITY i.e., Vyadhikshamatva‟ is made up of two words; Vyadhi (disease) and Kshamatva  (suppress  or  overcome).


The Condition referred to as Vyadhi comes into existence as a consequence of non-equilibrium between Doshas (physiological factors i.e vata, pitta & kapha), Dhatus (tissues systems) and Malas (excretory products of body).  These factors, in them normal status is responsible in maintaining the physical and psychological health. 

The other word, Kshamatva is derived from, “Kshamus  sahane”  which  means  to  be patient or composed to suppress anger, to keep quite or to  resist.  Therefore ‘Vyadhikshamatwa’ means the factor which limits the pathogenesis and opposes the strength of diseases. The term is explained in two divisions:


(I) Vyadhi-balavirodhitvam: This is called as the strength or capacity of a human body to restrain or withstand the disease i.e.  the strength to resist any sort of progress of acquired disease. 

(II)  Vyadhi-utpadakapratibandhakatva:  The resisting power of the body competent enough

to prevent the occurrence and re-occurrence of the disease. 


These sub-types of Vyadhikshamatva commutative form the resistance which now. a day known as Immunity. There are nine factors mentioned in Ayurveda which promotes body towards incapability to resist the disease’s manifestation i.e.  factors responsible for decreasing immunity.

  1. Ati- Sthoola (Excessively obese persons
  2. Ati-Krisha (Excessively emaciated person)
  3. Anivista-Mamsa (Individual having improper musculature
  4. Anivista-Asthi (persons having defective bone tissues
  5. Anivista-Shonita (persons with defective blood
  6. Durbala (Constantly weak person
  7. Asatmya-Aaharopachita (Those nourished with unwholesome food)

Health, according to Ayurveda is a balanced expression of all five elements. The five elements in Ayurveda are described as Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether. The elemental system describes the functional relationship of all phenomena in nature.


Ayurveda Believes that symptoms are just imbalance in the body. They are not the disease. Treat the imbalance and the disease will never be there. The balance of all types like the physical balance, emotional balance, mental balance along with environmental mindfulness and spiritual progression is very well recognized in Ayurveda as a total health picture.


Ayurveda is based on balancing the elements Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether through diet, herbs, essential oils, breathwork, movement, emotional bodywork, meditation, crystals, and daily lifestyle practices. What remains undaunted and unchanged during the lifetime is the very basic constitution of the individual, as it is genetically determined. Since birth, that exact elementary combination, stays unchanged. However, the combination of elements that governs the continuous physio-pathological changes in the body alters in response to changes in the environment.



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