Nari Cordial Capsule
पीसीओडी, पीसीओएस और इनसे संबंधित लक्षणों का इलाज करता है | हार्मोनल असंतुलन को ठीक करता है
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- पीसीओडी और पीसीओएस के इलाज में मदद करता है।
- मासिक धर्म के दौरान अनियमितता और असहनीय दर्द को ठीक करता है।
- प्रदर, अधिक रक्तस्राव आदि को ठीक करने में मददगार।
- पेरिमेनोपॉज और मेनोपॉज (रजोनिवृत्ति) में कारगर।
- पीसीओडी/पीसीओएस के कारण होने वाले मुंहासों और फुंसियों का इलाज करने में सहायक है।
- हिर्सुटिज़्म यानी अनचाहे बालों की समस्या का इलाज करता है।
- यह गर्भाशय से संबंधित समस्याओं को भी ठीक करता है।
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- वजन को बढ़ने से रोकता है।
- बालों के पतले होने की समस्या का इलाज करता है।
- यह हार्मोनल असंतुलन को ठीक करने में मदद करता है।
- महिलाओं में बेहतर स्वास्थ्य, जीवन शक्ति और ऊर्जा का संचार करता है।
प्राकृतिक सामग्री
शाकाहारी उत्पाद
यह फॉर्मूलेशन शुभ नक्षत्रों के तहत तैयार किया गया है और वैदिक मंत्रों द्वारा अभिमंत्रित है, जिस कारण इसका केवल सीमित स्टॉक ही उपलब्ध है
उपयोग कैसे करें
- इस कैप्सूल को सामान्य पानी के साथ दिन में दो बार या चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार लें।
अनुशंसित खुराक या उपचार अवधि:
शुरूआती और मध्यम स्तरीय पीसीओडी के लिए- 3-4 महीने
गंभीर पीसीओडी के लिए- 6 महीने
सुरक्षा निर्देश
iconनोट: मासिक धर्म के दौरान वेदोबी नारी कॉर्डियल सिरप एवं कैप्सूल का प्रयोग न करें।
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
D-208A, MANSAROVER GARDEN, NEW DELHI, South West Delhi, Delhi, 110015
K. No. 434, Firozpur Banger Industrial Area, Distt. Sonipat(HR) 131402
उत्पाद रचना की जानकारी
Approved preservatives used
- Sodium Benzoate- 0.15%
Supports menstrual health and helps with period issues.
Effective for balancing hormones and managing menstrual cycles.
Provides relief from symptoms of amenorrhea and irregular periods.
Great for improving regularity and reducing period discomfort.
Helps manage period problems and improve menstrual health.
Provides natural relief from menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea.
Supports regular menstrual cycles and hormonal balance.
Effective for maintaining menstrual health and reducing discomfort.
Great for alleviating symptoms of amenorrhea and period issues.
Helps with balancing hormones and restoring regular periods.
Provides noticeable improvement in managing menstrual health.
Effective for addressing period problems and improving cycle regularity.
Supports menstrual health and reduces symptoms of amenorrhea.
Great for managing menstrual irregularities and hormonal balance.
Helps regulate menstrual cycles and ease period discomfort.
Provides relief from period issues and irregular cycles.
Effective for balancing hormones and supporting menstrual health.
Great for improving menstrual cycle and reducing amenorrhea.
Helps with managing period problems and restoring balance.
Provides natural support for menstrual health and cycle regularity.
Effective for addressing amenorrhea and menstrual discomfort.
Great for supporting healthy menstrual cycles and reducing problems.
Helps manage hormonal balance and improve period regularity.
Provides relief from menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea.
Supports menstrual health and helps alleviate period issues.
Effective for restoring balance and regularity to menstrual cycles.
Great for easing symptoms of amenorrhea and irregular cycles.
Helps with period problems and balancing menstrual health.
Provides support for overcoming menstrual cycle issues.
Effective for managing irregular periods and hormonal imbalances.
Great for improving menstrual health and reducing amenorrhea.
Love how it helps regulate my periods and ease discomfort.
Helps with balancing hormones and managing period problems.
Supports healthy menstrual cycles and reduces period issues.
Effective for alleviating symptoms of amenorrhea.
Provides noticeable improvement in menstrual cycle regularity.
Great for supporting overall menstrual health and balance.
Helps with menstrual irregularities and easing discomfort.
Effective for restoring regular menstrual cycles.
My go-to for tackling period problems and hormonal balance.
Provides relief from amenorrhea and irregular periods.
Great for balancing hormones and improving menstrual health.
Helps regulate my menstrual cycle and ease period problems.
Effective for managing amenorrhea and menstrual issues.
Great for natural support of hormonal and overall health.
Supports daily health and vitality effortlessly.
Supports overall health and energy throughout the day.
Helps with managing hormonal changes naturally.
Great for daily vitality and well-being.
Provides excellent support for women's health needs.
Effective for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balance.
Love how it helps with hormonal balance and energy.
Great for enhancing daily wellness and hormonal health.
Supports my overall health and vitality effectively.
Provides a noticeable boost in energy and balance.
Effective for daily support and well-being.
Helps with maintaining overall health and vitality.
Great for managing energy levels and hormonal balance.
Supports my health and well-being naturally.
Love the natural boost it gives me every day.
Effective for overall wellness and hormonal support.
Provides excellent support for daily vitality and balance.
My favorite for natural support of women's health.
Great for boosting energy and enhancing health.
Helps with managing hormonal changes effectively.
Supports my overall well-being and daily energy.
Effective for daily vitality and health maintenance.
Great for maintaining hormonal health and balance.
Love the way it supports my overall wellness.
Provides noticeable improvement in daily energy levels.
My go-to for natural women's health support.
Helps with hormonal balance and well-being.
Great for enhancing vitality and energy.
Effective for supporting women's overall health.
Never thought this would help me so much but it did
Lovely ayurvedic product
Using it from a month and i have found good changes
Superb ayurvedic capsule for female health
I have got great relief in my amenorrea with this capsule
My good medicine for pcod
I am very happy with this as it has helped me with a lot of problems
Words would not be enough to know my thankfulness for this medicine
This one is really a good product
I bought these capsules a month ago and its too early to say anything but i am fully hopeful that it wil work as its worked for my friend
It helped me reduce my period pain and got periods in time
Proved effective in my case
Somewhat useful
Vey good but only thing is it takes time
Perfect for pcod
A good option for ladies with pcod
Didn't know this medicine can yield so many benefits
It corrects hormonal imbalance and treats acne problem
Vedobi Nari cordial capsule is a very good product from Devine life sciences. This product is very very helpful for teenagers and women.
Cost is appropriate. Gives very good results. Amazing.
My hormonal levels are becoming normal since i am using it.
One of the best capsule for pcod problems.
I am very happy with the product
Can't say much as its been only 7 days of using it but one thing is for sure that it has made my body quite energetic
I am observing a good change in my problem of pcod symptoms
A great medicine that is working on multiple symptoms very effectively